
Why I collect all this stuff

I visited the Computer History Museum in Boston. It was behind the Children’s Museum. It had a wonderful collection of old computers such as the Sage Computer and several more.

IBM SAGE Full View

I was interested in how they were going to display their microcomputers. They were stacked in a corner one on top of another.  Only the CPUs.  Around this was a table with new computers.  I was so irate.  I couldn't believe that a museum would display microcomputer this way.  I decided then and there to collect microcomputers.  My idea was to display them running with all their perpherials and software.  Reality has set in having tried to get funding.  So I can at least show off the collection using this website.

Since I worked for IBM for 30 years and in 1981 I was responsible for writing the DOS manual for the PC, you will find a lot of IBM PC stuff in the collection.  Also being the co-founder of the Palo Alto PET Users Group, I have alot of Commodore computers.

What you will find is lots and lots of photographs.  I like to photograph the computers from all angles.  For books, I scan the front, table of content, introduction and back.  Please feel free to copy the photographs.

If you are looking for programs to download, look under the Link tab for there are several sites where you can download the orginal programs.

If you are looking for historial information about the item, look under the Link tab. There are many site that have all the satistics and facts.