$Issue 1 - Spring 1982
1986 Price List
H-89 $799.95
HERO Jr. personal robot
Issue 2 - Z100 Zeniths New Computer
Issue 3 - Fall 1982
Issue 4 - Winter 1983 - Spreadsheet is Best for You
Issue 5 - Kids and Computers
Issue 6 - Summer 1983 - Assembly Language
Issue 7 -Fall 1983 Z-100 Software Roundup
Issue 8 Spring 1983 - Local Heath Users Groups
Issue 9 - March-April 1984 Why Wont all that IBM Softwa...
Issue 10 May 1984 - Educational Software
Issue 12 Sept 1984 - Z-DOS Comm Roundup
Issue 13 Nov 1984 - H89s Fifth Birthday
Issue 14 Jan 1985 - Book for the Z100 Beginner
Issue 17 July 1985 - ZDS new five computers
Issue 46 Nov 1983 - REMark
More prices and how to order
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